Basic inventions throughout the past centuries
All important inventions are widespread and well known, cause they are integrated in our daily life’s or have influenced businesses in various ways. Whether it is letter printing or the telephone. Most of these ancient inventions are so normal that we almost do not take in account that they also did not exist a long time ago as described on https://easyreadernews.com/why-inventhelp-has-become-so-crucial-for-new-inventors/.
Letter printing by Johannes Gutenberg
We start with the great invention letterpress printing. This invention represents the art of inventing and also paved the way for literacy and the spread of knowledge throughout the populations. In 1440 Gutenberg made printing possible and thereby made education a public good which could be reached by wide parts of society.
Beer by Herzog Wilhelm IV from Bavaria
Herzog Wilhelm IV from Bavaria invents beer. Although beer was well known before he declared that beer should be made of 3 pure ingredients as water, hops and malt. German purity law is the first and up to date valid food regulation that guarantees the quality of German beer.
Paper by Friedrich Gottlob Keller in 1843
The method has been later on used to produce paper in mass production. The daily press started to exist from that days on.
Electric Bulb by Heinrich Göbel in 1837
In the early 19th Heinrich Göbel invented the essential electric bulb. Though the invention has been renewed by modern light sources as the LED light almost none of the mentioned inventions has been so important and basic for daily life.
Telephone by P. Reis in 1859
In the middle of the 19th century Reis invented the telephone. The basic means of communication has been later on patented by Graham Bell who enhanced the first versions and applied it for patent. This invention widely changed the way people communicate.
Important Inventions in the late 19th century
Jeans by Levi Strauss in 1873
In the last quarter of the 19th century Levi Strauss invented the Jeans. First he started to sell trousers made of tent materials. In the further development process he used “Denim” and finally applied copper rivetings who made the jeans more durable.
The automobile by Karl Benz and Gottlieb Daimler in 1886
One of the most important inventions for our society was the automobile. It was invented and not accepted at the beginning. More than 30 years later in the 1920s the car started to explore the streets and was sold all over the world.
Diesel engine by Rudolf Diesel in 1890
The today widely criticised Diesel engine was invented in 1890 and has explosive spread throughout the mobility branche. Ships, vehicles and trains used the technology and had long lasting effeciety.
Aspirin by Felix Hoffmann in 1879
One of the most important pharmaceutical products was invented by Felix Hoffmann. He was able to reduce side effects so that it was no longer the cause of sickness. The final improvement made Aspirin one of the answers to headache.
PC by Konrad Zuse 1941
The Personal Computer was developed by Konrad Zuse in the middle of the 20th century. He invented a machine – Z3 – that was able to calculate with only 3 circuits. Finally and 80 years later the PC was introduced in many areas of live.
Just after looking at 10 inventions you can easily see that during the late 19th century big inventions were made. This time was really innovative and it seems as if this time had an essential effect even on our life today. For more you can visit https://thriveglobal.com/stories/a-discussion-about-inventhelp-and-helping-people-achieve-their-goals/.