If you are an inventor, you probably know that a patent is the best way to protect your idea. But how do you get one? And what exactly does it provide?
What is A Patent?
A patent is a right granted by a government to an inventor to exclude others from making, using or selling their invention for a limited time. Patents are intended to encourage the creation and introduction of new products, processes and technologies by rewarding inventors with exclusive rights for commercializing their inventions as explained on https://okmagazine.com/p/inventhelp-reviews-new-ideas-invention-patent-services/.
Different Types Of Patents
There are three types of patents: provisional, utility and design. A provisional patent provides an inventor with up to one year of protection from the date of filing. It’s not as strong as a utility patent, but it does help establish priority in case another inventor comes up with the same idea at around the same time.
A utility patent is the strongest form of protection available to an inventor. It provides up to 20 years of protection from the date of filing, and it can be renewed for up to five years after that.
A design patent protects new, non-functional designs for products. It covers only the appearance of a product, not its function or how it works.
How To Patent Your Invention?
In order to obtain a valid patent or patent application, the invention must be new and non-obvious compared to existing technology. In other words, it must not be something that people have already invented before and which is known in the field as prior art. To be eligible for patent protection, an invention must also have utility (it must work) and novelty (novelty).
In order to obtain a patent, inventors must disclose their invention in enough detail so that others can make and use it. The patent application process typically takes about two years from the date that an application is filed until it either issues as a utility patent or is rejected. Therefore, hiring a patent agency such as InventHelp is one of the most important steps in protecting your invention. InventHelp invention and patent services can help you obtain a patent for your invention, and they will even handle all of the paperwork for you.
In conclusion, patenting an invention is a complicated and time-consuming process. However, the benefits of patenting your invention can be enormous. InventHelp can help you obtain a patent for your idea, so contact them today.