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Law Technology

Patenting Your Invention with InventHelp

Innovators and inventors often face a privileged predicament: they have a brilliant idea but are unsure how to safeguard it and navigate the daunting realm of patents. A patent not only legally protects an invention but also grants the inventor exclusive rights to develop, use, and sell the concept for a specific period. The pathway from ideation to filing a patent application can be intricate and nuanced. Here’s where InventHelp, a leading invention service company, comes into play—streamlining the labyrinth of patent procurement and ensuring inventors embark on a thorough approach that safeguards their ingenuity as you can read from article.

Patenting Process: Ideation to Filing

Documenting Your Invention:

The patenting journey begins with meticulously recording every step related to your invention. This entails descriptions, sketches, variations, and potential applications. This documentation should be detailed, dated, and, where possible, signed by a witness. This will serve as proof of origination and the timeline of development.

Conducting a Patent Search:

Before filing a patent application, it is essential to conduct a comprehensive search to check if your invention or a similar one has been patented before. This prevents efforts in patenting something that already exists and guides adjustments to ensure the uniqueness of your invention.

Creating a Prototype:

Translating your inventive concept into a working prototype not only brings your idea to life but also helps to identify any design flaws or improvements. It is an essential step in proving the functionality of the invention.

Applying for a Patent:

Once the previous steps are completed, it’s time to file a patent application. This includes providing detailed descriptions, claims defining the invention’s scope, abstracts, and drawings. There are different types of patents—utility, design, and plant—and understanding the right category for your invention is crucial.

Working with a Patent Attorney or Agent:

This may be the most significant step. It is advisable to hire a professional experienced in intellectual property law to draft and file your patent application. They can help navigate the complexities of patent laws and ensure your application is comprehensive and accurate.

InventHelp: Simplifying Your Patent Journey

InventHelp steps in to make the patenting process more manageable. With over three decades of experience assisting inventors, InventHelp has the expertise and resources necessary to help innovators lay the groundwork for a secure patent. From helping you research and document your invention to connecting you with a patent attorney, InventHelp simplifies each step. One of the most significant barriers to patenting is the intricacy involved in research and submission, which can be quite overwhelming for someone not versed in patent law. InventHelp paves the way for a smoother transition from ideation to a professionally prepared patent application as explained on

The Importance of a Thorough Approach

Obtaining a patent is not merely about submitting paperwork, it’s about safeguarding the future of your innovation. A half-hearted approach or incomplete application can lead to a rejection from the patent office or worse, an approved patent that doesn’t fully protect your invention. Therefore, it is non-negotiable to be meticulous throughout this process. A thorough approach ensures that innovations are entirely protected legally, preventing unauthorized use and allowing the inventor to reap the full rewards of their creation.

In Conclusion

Patenting an invention is both an exciting and complex venture. Innovators need to protect their intellectual property comprehensively and effectively. With InventHelp’s guidance and a detailed, methodical strategy, inventors can navigate the patenting process confidently and secure the protection they need for their inventions. Remember, InventHelp isn’t just about bringing ideas to life—it’s about giving them a life shielded by the power of patents.

Law Technology

The Role of InventHelp in Simplifying the Patent Application Process

Navigating the labyrinth of the patent application process is a task that often overwhelms inventors, filled with its maze of complex paperwork, stringent legal requirements, and nuanced technicalities. This journey, critical for protecting and commercializing an invention, can detract from the joy and excitement of innovation. However, InventHelp, a renowned provider of inventor services, steps in to simplify this daunting process, allowing inventors to focus on what they do best: creating and refining their inventions. Let’s see what do InventHelp’s services consist of?

The Crucible of Complexity in Patent Applications

The process to secure a patent is intricate by design, intended to thoroughly vet and protect unique ideas. Inventions must be not only new but also non-obvious and useful, criteria that are meticulously scrutinized by patent examiners. For an inventor unfamiliar with the technical nuances of patent law, navigating this process independently can feel like deciphering a foreign language. The stakes are high, as even minor errors in the application can lead to delays, increased costs, or outright rejection.

InventHelp’s Simplifying Solutions

InventHelp enters this complex landscape with a mission to demystify the patent application process for inventors. With years of experience and a deep understanding of the intricacies of patent law, InventHelp provides a beacon of guidance. Their approach is multifaceted, addressing every aspect of the patent journey—from initial idea assessment to application submission and beyond.

Initial Consultation and Patent Search

The process begins with an initial consultation, where InventHelp assesses the inventor’s idea to spot potential challenges and opportunities. A thorough patent search follows, identifying existing patents and publications that could affect the novelty of the invention. This step is crucial in determining the likelihood of patent success and shaping the strategy for the application.

Professional Documentation and Application Preparation

Crafting the patent application is where InventHelp’s expertise truly shines. Their specialized team assists inventors in preparing clear, comprehensive documentation that meets the USPTO’s stringent requirements. This includes detailed descriptions of the invention, claims that define the scope of protection sought, and professional drawings. InventHelp ensures that every element of the application underscores the innovation’s uniqueness and patentability.

Guidance Through the Examination Process

Once the application is submitted, InventHelp remains a steadfast ally. They support inventors in navigating the examination process, a phase that often involves responding to USPTO queries or objections. InventHelp’s experienced professionals offer advice on addressing these challenges effectively, guiding the application toward approval.

Beyond the Patent Approval

Securing a patent is only the beginning of the invention’s journey to the market. InventHelp also provides resources and advice on the next steps, including marketing, manufacturing, and licensing strategies. Their holistic approach ensures that inventors are well-equipped to turn their patented ideas into commercial successes.

So, in short – What Is InventHelp? InventHelp is a company that helps inventors turn their ideas into reality. They provide a variety of services, including patenting assistance and marketing support. InventHelp has been in business since 1984 and has helped thousands of inventors bring their products to market.


The role of InventHelp in simplifying the patent application process cannot be overstated. They transform what can be an intimidating and complex undertaking into a manageable and guided experience. InventHelp’s involvement allows inventors to retain their focus on innovation and creativity, secure in the knowledge that their patent applications are in capable hands.

In an era where innovation is the currency of progress, InventHelp’s services are indispensable. They not only pave the way for a smoother patent application journey but also empower inventors to protect and prosper from their ingenuity, making the leap from idea to patented invention a reality.

Business Law Technology

How To Start Your Invention From The Very Beginning

Are you ready to take the first steps towards turning your invention into a reality? If you’re like most people, the answer is probably yes. Most inventors take a few steps before they realize that inventing a product is not as easy as it seems. In order to make your idea into a reality, you need to know how to start your invention from the very beginning. It’s not enough to just have an idea. You need to know how to turn that idea into a product and make it successful in today’s market.

Start by Creating a Prototype

Your invention might be revolutionary, but without a prototype, nobody will take your idea seriously. A prototype is a working version of your invention that you can show to potential investors to prove that it works.

Do Your Research

Take the time to research your invention. How does it work? What are the benefits? What sets it apart from existing products? Knowing the answers to these questions will help you create a persuasive pitch when you start looking for investors.

Look for Investors

Finding investors is the key to getting your invention off the ground. Look for venture capital firms, angel investors, and crowdfunding platforms that specialize in inventions. They can provide the funds you need to turn your idea into a reality.

Protect Your Invention

Once you have the funding you need, it’s important to protect your invention with a patent. This will prevent others from copying your invention and profiting from it without your permission.

Starting your invention is a challenging but rewarding process. With the right research and preparation, you can bring your invention to life and make it a success.

Need Help Getting Started?

InventHelp team of experienced invention experts can help you every step of the way. From creating a prototype to finding investors to protecting your invention, they will be with you every step of the way. InventHelp can help you get started on the right path and guide you through the process. InventHelp is a professional patent and invention service provider that has been helping new inventors for decades. Their experts have helped thousands of inventors bring their ideas to life, and they can help you too.


InventHelp is a great resource for new inventors and experienced ones alike. If you are looking to get your idea to market, they can help you every step of the way. They have helped thousands of inventors get their ideas patented and make them a reality, and they can do it for you too.

Business Law Technology

How To Think Of New Invention Ideas?

From Thomas Edison to modern day inventors, inventions have been an integral part of humanity’s progress. Inventions have changed the way we live, work, and play. From the light bulb to the space shuttle, inventors have pushed the boundaries of what is possible.

Inventions Throughout History

The Lightbulb

In 1879, Thomas Edison invented the first commercially viable light bulb. His invention was revolutionary and changed the way we use light in our homes and workplaces. Today, the light bulb is still widely used, although the technology has changed significantly since Edison’s time.

The Automobile

In 1885, German engineer Karl Benz invented the first automobile powered by an internal combustion engine. His invention revolutionized transportation, allowing people to travel farther and faster than ever before. From cars to buses to trucks, the automobile has become a staple of modern life.

How To Invent Something New?

Inventing something new is no easy feat, but it’s possible as new invention ideas are all around. The key to success is knowing what type of invention you want to create and how it will fit into the market. First, you need to come up with an idea for an invention. Then, you need to decide if that idea has commercial potential or if there are similar products already on the market. If so, try improving upon those existing products or creating something completely new.

Once you have ideas to invent something new, you can start researching the market. The goal is to find out if there is already a need for your product and how well it would sell in comparison to other similar products. You should also consider how much it will cost to manufacture the item, how much profit margin there is on each sale, and whether making this product makes sense from a financial perspective.

Then, you can decide whether or not it is worth your time and money to pursue the idea. If you think it is, then you can start developing prototypes and manufacturing costs. It’s important to find out if there are any patents on similar products so that you don’t infringe on anyone else’s ideas. Once everything has been researched and planned out, then it’s time to go into business.


The process of creating a product is not easy, but it can be fun and exciting. By following the steps outlined in this article, you’ll be able to create your own product that will sell well and make money. Keep in mind that even though you are responsible for everything related to your product, it’s still important to get feedback from other people before going into production with it.

Business Home Law

The Future of Technology and Invention

The world is constantly changing, and with it, the future of technology and invention.

What Inventions Could Make the World a Better Place?

In the 21st century, technology and innovation are progressing faster than ever before. From driverless cars to artificial intelligence, the possibilities for new invention ideas that could change the world are truly endless. But what inventions should be invented to make the world a better place? From renewable energy sources to improved health care technologies, the possibilities are nearly limitless.

Innovations in Renewable Energy

Renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and hydropower have the potential to revolutionize the way we generate and consume energy. By investing in renewable energy sources, we can reduce our reliance on fossil fuels, improve air quality, and help mitigate the effects of climate change. Additionally, renewable energy sources can be cheaper and more reliable than traditional energy sources.

Improving Access to Health Care

Health care technology has the potential to revolutionize the way we diagnose, treat, and prevent illnesses. From medical devices that can detect cancer early to digital health records that can track a person’s health over time, improved access to health care technologies could help save lives and improve overall health outcomes. Additionally, improved access to health care technologies could help reduce health care costs and improve access to care for those who need it most.

Advances in Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is a rapidly growing field with the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with the world around us. From self-driving cars to virtual assistants, AI has the potential to make our lives easier and more efficient. Additionally, AI could be used to improve cybersecurity, automate mundane tasks, and help us make more informed decisions.

Do You Have An Invention Idea?

If you have a new invention idea, InventHelp agency can help you determine whether it is patentable. They can also assist with filing and prosecuting your patent application so that it’s ready for review when the time comes.


InventHelp is a great agency to contact if you want to get your invention idea off the ground. They have helped many people make their dreams come true, so maybe it’s time for you to join them.


How To Get Your Birth Certificate Fast in Texas?

Need your birth certificate fast? The state of Texas does provide online access to birth certificates, but that doesn’t mean that you can get the certificate quickly.

The process can take up to two months, and you’ll need to apply in person. If you’re an adult, the process is even more tedious. You’ll also have to provide additional documentation such as proof of identity and a copy of your driver’s license. If you need a birth certificate for legal purposes, it’s best to go through the appropriate channels rather than relying on online access.

Or Hire Same Day Birth Certificate Service

There are a number of companies that offer birth certificate Texas same day services, and they are the best option for most people. They can get you the document in a matter of hours, which is important if you need to provide it as proof of identity or citizenship.

The best part is that you don’t have to go through the hassle of waiting in line at your local courthouse. You simply fill out an application online and then send it, along with payment and any other required documentation, to the company. They’ll process your request and submit it to the appropriate government agency on your behalf, so all you have to do is sit back and wait for them to send you your document. The only caveat is that you need to have a valid and verifiable reason for needing the document, but this is true of any government-issued identification.

In Conclusion

If you’re looking for a way to get your hands on a birth certificate or other form of identification, then this is the best option. It’s fast, convenient and easy to use. You can even complete the application online using your smartphone or tablet if you’d prefer not to use your computer.


Apostille Austin, Texas

It certifies that the signature on a document is genuine and the person signing it has legal capacity to do so. In countries that recognize apostilles, such as the United States, having documents apostilled is important for international use. This means that if you’re trying to use your documents in another country (like France), you’ll need them to be certified by an authority recognized by that country.

It’s easy to get documents apostilled—all you have to do is send them to the government agency responsible for certifying them, along with a cover letter explaining what you want done. The agency will then stamp each page of your document and return it to you within two weeks.

If you’re using your documents in the United States, you don’t have to get them apostilled. However, if you want to use a foreign document in another country that recognizes apostilles, such as France or Germany, then it will need to be certified with an apostille.

The most common documents that people get apostilled are birth certificates, marriage certificates and divorce decrees. But you can also get other documents apostilled, including educational diplomas and medical records. To find out which documents need to be certified by an apostille, contact the government agency in charge of issuing them. The process of getting documents apostilled can be a little confusing, but it’s not difficult. If you need your documents certified for use in another country you should definitely consider taking advantage of professional apostille services.

Getting An Apostille in Austin

If you’re looking for an apostille in Austin, it’s a good idea to go to a professional service. They will make sure that your documents meet all of the legal requirements and ensure that they are properly processed.


What Is The Purpose of Apostille

Apostille is a French word meaning “the official seal or stamp of a sovereign state” or “the certificate issued by the country that has signed the Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents.”

The purpose of an apostille is to certify that a public document, such as an academic degree, is genuine and has not been forged.

The United States does not recognize documents having only an Apostille seal attached as valid for use in this country. To be accepted by U.S. institutions and agencies, foreign documents must be certified by the Department of State as having been authenticated by the appropriate foreign authority (e.g., Minister/Department of Foreign Affairs).

Authentication under the Hague Convention is not sufficient for public documents issued abroad unless they have also been certified by a competent authority in the originating country and then legalized or otherwise certified by a United States consulate or embassy abroad prior to presentation in this country.

If the document is a public document, it must be certified by a competent authority in the originating country, such as the Department of Foreign Affairs or Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The signature and seal of an official designated by that authority are then placed on the document to indicate that it is genuine.

How To Get An Apostille in Dallas?

If the document is a private document, it must be certified by a notary public or attorney who is authorized to practice in the country where the document was issued. The signature and seal of that authority are then placed on the document to indicate that it is genuine. There are apostille Dallas Texas services that can assist you with getting an apostille. All you have to do is provide them with the document and they will handle everything else for you. They will handle the application for you and get back to you with a copy of the document that has been certified.

Business Law

The Invention Process: Prototyping and Patenting

Invention is the process of creating something that has never existed before. Inventions are solutions to problems, and they can be physical objects like machines and devices, or ideas like theories and mathematical concepts.

New invention idea is a creative thought that leads to the development of an invention. It can be a concept for a new product or process, or it could be a new way of doing something. An invention idea usually comes from an inventor who wants to solve a problem in his or her field. For example, an inventor may want to make it easier for people to eat food on the go with no mess and no cleanup needed.

The first step in creating an invention is coming up with an invention idea. Then you must develop your idea into something that works in real life. This process is called prototyping. You will probably make several prototypes before you get things right enough for people to want to buy your invention. The final step is patenting your invention so that no one else can copy it. This is why it’s important to use a patent attorney, or an agency like Invent Help. If you try to do it yourself, there is a high chance that someone will steal your idea and make millions before you do.

There are a lot of steps in the process of inventing a product. You will need to be patient and persistent. It may seem like you’ve hit a wall when you aren’t getting anywhere, but don’t give up! Keep working on your invention until it is perfect. When you are ready to start selling your invention, there are a few options. You can try to get some big companies interested in your product and hope they buy it from you. This is a long process that involves sending out many prototypes and hoping someone likes them enough to make an offer.

Another option is to create your own company and sell your products directly to consumers. This is a little more difficult because you have to set up a business, but it can be rewarding if you succeed.

InventHelp can be of great assistance in this process. They have years of experience helping people patent, create and sell their products, and they have many resources available to help you succeed as you can read from this InventHelp review. InventHelp is a company that specializes in helping inventors patent and bring their products to market. They have been around for years, and they have helped countless people get their ideas into the hands of consumers. They offer many different services including product development, patent filing and marketing.


How To Get A Passport Fast?

If you need to renew your passport, you can apply either online or in person. If you are renewing a lost or stolen passport, you must apply in person.

If you need to get a new passport quickly, you may be able to pay an expediting fee of $60. This fee allows your application to be processed within three weeks. If you do not have time to wait for this amount of time, try the following tips:

The best way to get a passport is by going through the State Department’s official website at There are several documents that will allow you to apply for your new passport, including:

Birth Certificate

Social Security Card

Marriage Certificate (if applicable)

Divorce Decree (if applicable)

Court Order (if applicable)

U.S. Passport Application Form Proof of Citizenship: Must be a certified copy of your birth certificate, naturalization certificate or consular report of birth abroad.

But, what if you don’t have time to wait for three weeks. How to get a passport fast?

Get A Passport Fast

The process of getting a passport can take up to six weeks if you apply through the government’s official website. If you want to expedite the process, there are companies that offer services that can get your passport in as little as 24 hours. These services often charge hundreds of dollars for their services and require you to provide sensitive personal information such as your credit card number in order for them to process your application.


If you need a passport quickly, don’t waste time applying through the government’s official website. Instead, contact one of the many companies that provide expedited passport services and get your new passport in as little as 24 hours.

Business Law

The Journey from Idea to Patent

Every invention has a story to tell. It’s the story of how it came to be, and why it was created. It’s the story of the inventor who dreamed up the idea, made it a reality and brought it to market.

The journey from idea to patent is often a long one, and there are some important steps you’ll want to take along the way.

The first step in getting an invention patented is coming up with an idea for invention, something new or improved. This can be as simple as dreaming up something completely new or as complex as finding an improvement on an existing product or process.

Ideas for inventions can come from anywhere: from observing what others have done wrong and trying to fix those problems; from observing what others have done right and trying to improve upon them; from your own personal experiences; or even through pure serendipity (for example, discovering something while tinkering around in your garage).

Once you’ve got an idea for an invention that might work, write down everything you know about it so far — every detail will be useful later on in the patenting process. You can use free online tools like Google Docs or Zoho Writer to create a record of your idea’s progress early on in its development stage. You can look for help when you are just getting started with a new invention idea and need to learn more about the process of patenting and protecting your idea. You can also find help with finding a good patent attorney who can help you through each step of the patenting process.

The next step is to do some research and find out if your idea has been patented before. You can use Google Patents, the USPTO website to search for existing patents on similar inventions. If you’re worried that someone might have already patented something very similar to your invention, you can contact a patent attorney for advice and assistance in determining whether there are any legal issues with moving forward with your idea.


Criminal Record Check Process

Criminal records check is a process of checking the criminal history of an individual. Criminal records check includes all the criminal records that are present in the system. They may be public or private. The records can be obtained from local police departments, state agencies and federal agencies.

Criminal records are required for many jobs like healthcare professionals, teachers, lawyers, law enforcement officers and so on. It is also important for people who want to adopt children, volunteer at schools or churches or become foster parents.

Criminal records check helps in assessing the risk factors associated with an individual. Companies conducting background check use this information to determine if the candidate is suitable for their job profile or not.

Criminal record check can be used to verify a person’s criminal record. This helps the employers in determining if a candidate is suitable for their job profile or not. The process of getting an apostille for criminal record check is simple and easy. All you need to do is fill out an application form and submit it along with other required documents. Of course, you can always get help from criminal records check apostille services if you don’t have the time to do it yourself. You will receive your apostilled Criminal Record Check within 5-7 business days of submission.


What Is Apostille?

An apostille is a certification that a document is genuine.

An apostille can only be issued for public documents. The purpose of the apostille process is to make sure that foreign countries will recognize public documents as valid and authentic. Document legalization services can help you obtain an apostille quickly and hassle-free.

What is an Apostille?

An apostille is a certificate that is issued by the Secretary of State in the U.S. state where the document was notarized or issued. The certificate is placed on the top-right corner of the document, and has a sticker with an image (often a seal or an eagle) that shows which country it was issued by.

Apostilles are used to certify documents for legal purposes in countries that have signed off on an international treaty called the Apostille Convention, including almost every country in Europe and Central America as well as South Africa, Nigeria, Georgia and others. By placing this seal on your documents, you can use them abroad without worrying about whether they’ll be accepted or not – making life easier for you!

How To Get an Apostille?

The process for getting an apostille varies from country to country, state to state, but the most common way is to go to your local government office and request it. So, if you need an apostille in Houston, Texas, you will need to bring your original document, which must be authenticated by someone who has power of attorney or other legal authority, and provide proof of your identity. It is best to hire one of reputable apostille Houston services to help you get your documents apostilled that doing it yourself.

Business Law

International Patents

With increasing globalization and increased worldwide commerce through the Internet, international protection for intellectual property is becoming increasingly more important.

For many individual inventors, however, the cost of a U.S. patent alone is already staggering. Consequently, the significant expense of filing foreign patents may be less likely to be considered. Also, because of the assortment of legal standards in different parts of the world, political instability, or differences in enforcement capabilities, some will undoubtedly question the value of certain foreign patents. There is some merit to this line of thought. After all, how valuable is a patent from a nation in civil war? Or that has nominal damages available? Each country should be considered individually.

A U.S. Patent standing alone is still extremely valuable, inasmuch as the U.S. market is a primary market and control of U.S. markets can be used to influence or negotiate foreign markets. Nevertheless, inventors should consider foreign markets and weigh whether foreign patents are obtainable and worth the cost. Depending on the particular invention, foreign markets may be very valuable as described in this article – patent my invention through InventHelp.

The PCT is commonly misunderstood as an “international patent.” Unfortunately, no such patent is currently available. Instead, a PCT application is more of a procedure that that allows inventors to delay the times required for filing foreign patent applications, each of which will typically cost at least as much as the U.S. patent application. The PCT application has an “international stage” and a “national stage.” During the international stage, a PCT international stage application must be filed in an International Filing Office, one of which is the United States Patent Office. The PCT application must be filed within 1 year of the U.S. filing date, or at least before sale or publication. In the international stage, the applicant can designate those countries in which foreign protection will be sought.

In most cases, thirty (30) months after the PCT filing date, the PCT application goes into a “national stage,” where the application is sent to each of the designated countries, where translation and local filing fees are assessed. This is where foreign patents get to be the most expensive. Each country can cost as much, if not more than the U.S. application. Some countries charge annual fees on top of initial filing and translation fees as explained on how to get a patent with InventHelp.

Separate and apart from the PCT procedures, foreign patents can be obtained on a country-by-country basis if there is a particular country where a strong market presence is anticipated. This may be a desirable strategy for inventors to consider from the outset, particularly if protection is only sought in specific countries.


Essential Tips on Patent Cost

There are people who are blessed with great thinking capacity that assist them to come up with either absolutely new ideas or improved application on already existent information. In such a case, these people are entitled to earn from this technology that they bring in. At the same time, there are imposters who are always waiting for chances to appear that they can grab other people’s idea and use them as their money blueprint. In all countries, there are patent laws that do create limitations of use of individual invention. There are some fees that are charged in regard to application of patent protection. Here are some tips on patent costs.

The first patent cost that are met is the fees for researching if ever there are other people who have filed patent of the similar kind to the one you are filing. This step is important as it will ensure that you are not infringing into the copyrights of others. There are several websites that are involved in searching patent files on the internet for a fee. This will ensure that the search is done fast and conveniently.

Determine patent services cost. These services are offered by lawyers and agencies such as InventHelp. Hiring patent services InventHelp to help in the conquest of filing can increase the overhead filing cost by large amounts since these professionals are expensive to hire.

There are some people who prefer not to hire attorneys. This can substantially lower the costs involved for patenting. However, these people are supposed to be very experienced in this process since there is delicate patent information that is supposed to be filled accurately to avoid avoiding leaving loopholes for scammers. If the document that you fill is inaccurate, it is often sent back for revision. This can increase your costs greatly since you will have to pay again for the document after it is disapproved. To lower the patent cost, you should hire agents who are experienced in the process of patenting. These agents will follow up and help in doing the necessary amendments that are required for the document to be passé easily without having to revise severally.

The patent searching fees does cost between 100-200 dollars. This fee is flexible. It can also be more if you hire the services of attorneys who are expensive. There are also filing fees that are charged after the patent application succeeds. They are either paid on monthly or yearly basis. These fees are meant to ensure that the patent will be well guarded for a period of about 17 years.

Since there are many determinant factors of total patent cost, it is advisable that applicants prepare a substantial amount if ever they are expecting to succeed.

Some of the major factors that do determine the cost of the patent are like the complexity of the innovation. Agents and patent filing system will require big cash. In most cases, lawyers do charge above $10,000 for filing patents. Nonetheless, there are other cases that the agencies, like InventHelp, will ask less depending on the level of complexity.

Business Law

The Patentability Opinion

After performing a patent search, your patent attorney will generally prepare a “Patentability Opinion”. The purpose of this opinion is to show the differences between your invention and the patents found in your search.

A “Patentability Opinion” should help you determine whether or not to proceed with the filing of a patent application. For example, if your invention has only minor improvements that could easily be designed around by a competitor, then it may not be worthwhile to patent your invention. On the other hand, if the key aspect of your invention is not shown in any of the patents found, you would probably want to patent your invention. You can always consult with patent agencies, such as Invent Help, if you need guidance.

InventHelp Caveman Video

InventHelp has a great explainer video called Inventhelp caveman. You can find the InventHelp caveman video on Youtube as well.

Summary of Your Invention

The first section of a “Patentability Opinion”, will describe each of the features or elements of your invention. Each prior art patent found in your patent search will be reviewed against these features.

References Found In Search

The next section will list the patents that were found as a result of the search. Generally, each patent will be listed with its patent number, inventor(s), and the date that the patent issued.

Relevant Law

The opinion of your patent attorney, as to whether or not your invention is patentable, will be based on the application of patent laws to your invention.

There are three main things that this section will tell you. First, that in order to be patentable your invention must be “novel”, meaning that if another patent shows all of the elements of your invention, you will not be able to receive a patent.

Second, in order to be patentable your invention must be “non-obvious”. This means that, even though no single patent shows your invention, your invention still may not be patentable if it would have been obvious to combine the elements of two or more different patents together to arrive at your invention.

The third thing that this section does is provides a disclaimer. Although a patent search has been performed, there may still be other patents or other forms of prior art that exist. One such reason is that patents are prosecuted in secret, meaning that some references are literally not available during the course of a patent search that may later prevent you from obtaining a patent.

Discussion of Prior Art

In this section, each patent is discussed with reference to your invention. The features of your invention are compared to those shown in the patent. A statement will be made as to which features of your invention are shown in the patent, and which features are not shown in the patent. This analysis is performed for each patent individually.

Rendering Of Opinion

Once the prior art has been discussed, the opinion as to the patentability of your invention will be rendered. If your invention has a particular feature that was not shown in any of the patents, then your invention is likely to be patentable. If more than one patent must be combined to show all of the features of your invention, then your invention may be patentable, but the scope of your patent may be limited to certain aspects or features. If there is one patent that shows all of the features of your invention, then your invention is probably not patentable.

After you have received your “Patentability Opinion” it is important to note that the opinion is based on the particular features of your invention described in the opinion. If you have alternative features that were not considered in your opinion, it may be to your advantage to have a separate opinion drafted.

The laws as they apply to patents are complex. After reviewing your “Patentability Opinion” you should make sure to discuss the results with your patent attorney or patent agency like InventHelp – read more about InventHelp on KansasCityMag. Regardless of whether the opinion was favorable, it is to your advantage to make sure that you fully understand the basis and reasoning for the opinion before making the decision to file a patent application.

Business Law

How To File For A Patent

You can file for a patent by yourself. And filing for a provisional patent is easy, using the prepared forms and filling them in is a task that even a layman can do. But once you have filed for your provisional patent, it’s smart to allow a patent lawyer or a patent agency to provide help for your new invention idea.

Forms that Must Be Used When Filing For A Patent

The first document in a Patent Application must be the Utility Patent Application Transmittal Form or Transmittal Letter.

A Utility Patent Application Transmittal Form, also called a Transmittal Letter must be filed with every patent application to instruct the USPTO as to what actual types of papers are being filed (e.g., detailed specification, all patent claims, the accompanying drawings, the patent declaration and an information disclosure statement).

The Utility Patent Application Transmittal Form identifies the name of the patent applicant, the type of patent application, the title of the invention, the contents of the application, and any accompanying enclosures.

Deadlines For Patent Filing

New inventors often miss deadlines, because they are not fully aware of patent laws. There are legal delays within which a patent must be filed:

To ensure that inventors promptly file their patent applications, the U.S. patent law, requires that a filing be made within one year of the date an invention is placed in public use or on sale in the U.S.

This is just one more reason why choosing a patent agency, like InventHelp, or a patent lawyer from the start of your filing process is a good idea.

Law Real Estate

The Hardships of Real Estate Litigation

Are you involved in a real estate litigation battle? If you buy, sell or own Vancouver real estate it is advisable to consult with a Vancouver real estate attorney for contract, litigation or property decisions.

Real Estate Conflicts And Their Complications

Real property conflicts can be complicated and usually involve multiple parties. Disputes often result in financial hardship or cause a series of other problems. Conflicts often arise with co-owners, neighbors, sellers, purchasers, or others.

A Real Estate Litigation can intervene to help those involved reach a resolution or to provide legal defense. If you are involved in a real estate related dispute in Vancouver, it is imperative that you have a lawyer on your side. A skilled Vancouver Litigation lawyer can help protect your interests in court.

Real estate litigation cases range from simple real estate transactions gone awry to complex litigation cases involving large commercial properties. Real estate litigation regularly deal with disputes and litigation involving: loan workouts, foreclosure, distressed real estate, contractor and construction contracts, declaratory judgment actions, construction litigation, residential and commercial lease disputes, constructive trusts, problems at closing, and breach of contract.

Whether your real estate conflict is the result of a breach of contract, problems at closing or other matter, it’s in your best interests to contact a real estate litigation lawyer that has great expertise in this area. Real estate litigation lawyers look for solutions to the disputes, but sometimes it is necessary to take the matter to court. When litigation is inevitable, you need a competent Real Estate Litigation lawyer in order to achieve the results you desire.

When looking for a lawyer, it is important that you find a Real Estate Litigation lawyer with many years of experience in both civil litigation and commercial and has a proven record of negotiated outcomes and courtroom victories. A good real estate litigation lawyer is dedicated to representing their clients’ legal interests in negotiations and trials.

Law Real Estate

Find A Good Real Estate Lawyer

Many people will need the services of a lawyer at some period in their lives. The need may arise from matters ranging from a traffic ticket to serious matters such as a divorce, personal injury, or criminal matter. With the proliferation of lawyers in modern society, the question becomes how does one find a real estate lawyer that will provide satisfactory representation.

The search would begin by asking friends or family, who have faced a similar situation, for the name of their attorney. By focusing on people who have had similar legal problems, the potential client will narrow the list of attorneys down to those who are hopefully experienced in the relevant area of law. Experience in the relevant area is a mandatory requirement for any attorney that is retained.

These friends or family should be thoroughly questioned regarding their experience with this lawyer and whether they would be willing to hire this lawyer again should the need arise. A list of all prospective lawyers would then be created.

A face to face meeting with the attorney would then follow. At this meeting, the client should explore the real estate attorney’s education and experience. How many similar real estate or subject removal BC cases has the attorney handled? Has the attorney earned any special recognition in this area of law or has the attorney published books or articles in this area of law? Such special achievements would reflect favorably on the attorney. This would also be the time to explore the nature of any disciplinary proceedings filed against the attorney.

The client would also inquire as to the amount of fees that the lawyer charges, if the case is not a contingency case. Are the fees reasonable taking into account the lawyer’s experience? The client may call other lawyers to compare fees. Lawyer referral services or a marketing directory can be a source of lawyers who can be contacted in order to determine reasonable fees in the client’s location for the same type of work.

The final piece of information which must be gathered is whether the client is comfortable with the attorney. There must be good chemistry between the attorney and the client or the relationship will be uncomfortable at the very least and at worst will deteriorate under the stress of representation.

Proper investigation, from locating the attorney to meeting the attorney, is crucial when attempting to find an real estate attorney that will provide proper representation. Such legwork will go a long way in helping the client find an attorney that will provide satisfactory services regardless of the outcome of the case.

Law Real Estate

How To Find A Good Construction Lawyer

If you are in need of a construction lawyer or any lawyer, it is important that you choose and use a competent lawyer. Though there are many law firms in Vancouver to choose from; don’t choose the first attorney you come across. There are some tips to consider to learn how to find a good lawyer.

The first thing you have to consider is not only the lawyer’s experience, but also if the lawyer is competent to fight in your area of litigation. This can be done while keeping your needs in mind. There is not point approaching a personal injury lawyer if you need help with tax laws nor is it feasible to hire a criminal lawyer if you need help with a divorce.

Once you know your needs, obviously the more experienced lawyer is a better option for you. also take a look at their track records for the number of settlements and cases they have won. No point in hiring a lawyer who can’t win a case for you.

It is okay to depend on referrals for how to find a good lawyer. However, be careful with recommendations, especially inter-firm recommendations. You have to make the final decision on which lawyer and law firm is the best choice for you.

Though big law firms are famous and have a bevy of lawyers to fight your case, you will not receive the same personal attention small law firms can provide you. So keep this point in mind while looking for the right lawyer.

It is important that you know how to find a good lawyer as it is the right lawyer who can understand your rights and responsibilities. They will be able to explain all the laws of the area you pursue, give honest and right advice on your course of action, give you information on deadlines and also ensure you receive all compensation for whatever loss and suffering you may have undergone.

In addition to this, the right and qualified construction lawyer BC will be patient enough to guide you throughout the legal proceedings. In the process, they will also be able to identify other aspects in your case that would induce possible litigation.

Once you find a few probable construction lawyers to approach to handle your case, before hiring them upfront, you have to approach them for a free consultation and evaluation of your case. Always discuss fees and payment schedule during this consultation, to avoid confusions later on, while handling your case.

If the lawyer refuses to give you a free consultation, you might as well forget the firm or lawyer, and move on to the next choice. If you are not comfortable with the lawyer, move on to the next as you are under no obligation to hire lawyers you are not comfortable with.

Though all this tips on how to find a good lawyer will take some time to cover, the amount of money and time you save with the services of a competent lawyer to handle your case makes all this worthwhile.


Why hire a family lawyer?

Prenuptial Agreements

Parties may write contracts, called pre-nuptial agreements to change the way property and things are divided at the end of a marriage. These agreements should be carefully prepared by a lawyer to ensure they are binding when they need to be binding.

Can I Get Reimbursed for Attorney’s Fees I’ve Incurred?

In Vancouver family law or divorce cases, the judge can award attorney’s fees to a person who could not otherwise afford a lawyer. The judge can also award attorney’s fees, payable by the other party, if the other party is misusing or abusing the court process by unreasonably delaying the process or by concealing or lying about information relevant to the case.

How Long Will It Take?

Terminating marital status so the client can re-marry or end a marriage takes a minimum of six months from the date a petition is served, answered, or the other party submits to the power of the court. Separating or dividing property, awarding child and spousal support, moving out, and other courts orders can be done in a matter of days or weeks.

Why hire a lawyer?

Family divorce lawyer Vancouver can counsel you and see you through this most difficult period in your life. He or she can guide you to the end of the process in the most direct, least painful way, and protect your interests in your children, your future income, support, and all of your property, assets and debts. If you think a lawyer is expensive, try doing your own divorce. You would not consider having a surgical operation without a medical doctor.

Law Real Estate

Creating a Purchase Contract with the Help of a Real Estate Attorney

Is it possible to create a purchase contract of real estate property on your own? It may be possible; however, it sure is not a wise idea. Without the advice and guidance of a competent real estate attorney, you run a gamut of risks – failing to protect your rights, missing important clauses, and so on.

What are the essential points to include in the contract? Your attorney is the best judge of this. However, here is a look at some important ones that you must not miss.

  • Purchase price of the property
  • Amount of down payment and the entity responsible
  • Escrow related details, if any
  • Closing date, time, and other details
  • Description of property with address
  • Details of inclusions and exclusions

  • Mortgage-contingency clause – giving the buyer to opt out if he fails to obtain the necessary loan
  • Inspection-contingency clause – giving the buyer the right to walk out of the deal if the home inspection turns unsatisfactory
  • Provision for good title and any restrictions on it
  • Responsibility for insurance until the closing date
  • Disclosures, as necessary under the federal and state laws
  • Closing costs related details

Your real estate lawyer Vancouver would know which provisions to include in this contract to protect your rights and maximize benefits. If you did not find an attorney before you signed a purchase contract, you need to include a lawyer-approval clause in it. This would give you the advantage of getting lawyer approval before you go ahead.